We welcome volunteers with backgrounds in business, health, counseling, grant proposals, agriculture, gender rights, and education -- or anyone as passionate about our cause as we are.
Learn more about the difference you can make onsite here in Arusha.
Interested in sponsoring one of our current projects? Have a project idea of your own? We'd love to partner with you! Sponsorship is a longer-term commitment that is extremely rewarding on both sides.
Get in touch with us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
Have you heard about a grant we should apply for? Let us know! We do our best to find and apply for every grant we are eligible for, but we may miss some.
Contact us today.
We welcome physical donations to support our initiatives. At the moment, we are in need of sewing machines, children's books, school supplies, baking supplies, laptop computers, and stationary products. All donated items will go directly to the widows, children, and HIV/AIDS victims we work with.
Contact us today to discuss your gift.
Your donations have a trickle-down effect:
when we help one woman, we help her entire community. Just $1 can make a difference the life of a widow, child, or HIV/AIDS victim.
Thank you for your support.